Jury application
You have immeasurable influence and experience within the startup ecosystem. The decisions of the jury members have a tremendous influence on the future and careers of the nominees and having you involved in this process guarantees that we choose only the best amongst them.
Active Competitions and Schedules
Kindly scroll to the right to view full timeline
May 31, 2025
Accepting Jury Applications
June 30, 2025
Selecting Jury Members per Region
July 1 - September 20, 2024
Juries Submitting Jury Votes
For taking part in any of the previous active competitions as a Jury Member, please fill in the form above.
Jury Ranking Process
sign up
To start, all you need to do is to follow the link to the sign up form and to submit your Jury Application before the deadline.
As our team receives your application and moves forward with it, will be a part of the selection process on either the regional level. You will select the best candidates to become winners in specific categories.
Our competition team will be at your full disposal and will ensure that all the data, materials and systems necessary for you to fulfil your duties are provided.
Ranking System Tutorial
Extra Resources
How the competition works
HERE is a more detailed description of the competition framework.
The Awards are carried out in three rounds in each region. First, national nominations are opened. The shortlist from these nominations is influenced by the Experts, the Country Partners and the Regional HQ. Regional finalists are announced in each country. After that, the voting opens as part of the selection process of the regional winners which are selected by regional jury members. Regional winners will be announced at the Regional Grand Finale. Finally, the regional winners will compete on a global level.
What is your role in the competition?
You will be a part of the selection process on either the regional or global level. You will select the best candidates to become winners in specific categories.
The regional/global team will be at your full disposal and will ensure that all the data, materials and systems necessary for you to fulfil your duties are provided. In return, we ask you for a maximum of one to three hours of your time to help us find the gems and celebrate what this very divergent yet thriving region has to offer.
What you get
Participation as a jury provides a very rare opportunity for our jury members - a chance to build bridges within the active regions of GSAwards. You will be contributing to a unique effort to unite startup ecosystems. Furthermore, as a jury member, you will get an insight into the startups and other ecosystem players in the categories you will judge. As a jury, you will be promoted within the ecosystem, and you will become part of the GSAwards global network, also meaning exclusive access to our events and network.
Below, you will find a detailed description of the responsibilities as a jury member as well as from GSAwards.
Jury member responsibilities
The jury member is expected to use his / her domain knowledge and expertise to evaluate each finalist that belongs to the category/categories.
The jury member will read all the category definitions and criteria to understand the framework of the rating process.
The jury member will evaluate the finalists individually based on the category definition and criteria provided by the relevant staff.
The jury member will rate each finalist based on instructions.
The jury member will perform the rating process of the finalists and provide the results to the relevant team within the dates and deadlines of the competition.
The jury member will rate the finalists without involving personal or third-party interests in the rating process.
If the jury member has any relation or personal interest to any finalist that he/she is expected to vote on, the jury member will not rate in the specific category and must notify GSAwards HQ immediately.
The jury member will not share information about the rating process or the results before it is published officially by GSAwards.
The jury member will not perform any action that might harm the regional brand and/or the GSAwards brand.
Expect a minimum of 2 hours of work, which can be divided over several times. The work will happen on our priority IT system that runs the competition across all regions. See an example of how it works HERE.
GSAwards responsibilities
Regional HQ or GSAwards will provide exposure to the jury members on the website.
Regional HQ or GSAwards will provide exposure to the jury member on Social Media platforms (i.e. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter).
Regional HQ or GSAwards will ensure the incorporation of the jury member in the GSAwards alumni network.
Regional HQ or GSAwards will provide all the resources necessary for the rating process of the finalists of each country. The executive team will be at your full disposal and will ensure that all the materials and systems necessary for you to fulfil your duties are provided.
Regional HQ will invite the jury member to all the events, including the exclusive, invite-only daytime activities and other side events.