Brand Visibility: Get your brand exposed towards the startup ecosystem of your choice through targeted marketing using our mailing lists and online channels.

Events: Become involved in GSA events worldwide or design and host your own GSA event.

Data and acceess: Get insights into startup ecosystems and get access to startups based on specific criteria.

GSA sponsorships

Access: Become a central node of your own startup ecosystem using the competition and the events to build a network, collect data and create new business opportunities.

Elevate your country or region: By operating a region, you can increase awareness and new connections locally and globally.

GSA liCenSeE


Build a strong consortium: Over the last decade, we have been involved in many different consortiums related to governmental projects, including EU projects. We have also brought in various additional partners from our global network.

Service provider: If existing projects need access to startup ecosystems, data, events, or communications channels, we can act as a service provider.

Build a strong network: By becoming a representative for Global Startup Awards in your country, you can tap into these networks and enhance your regional ecosystem.

Regional representative: If you are looking to elevate your startup community and discover new business prospects, becoming a representative for Global Startup Awards through your organization will provide you with unparalleled access to global startup ecosystems, exclusive events, and strategic communication channels.

Business Associate

Innovation consulting: If you have a vision about how to engage or involve the startup ecosystem in your business but are unsure how to get started, we have a framework that takes you from the vision to the result.


vendors we love

our marketing agency

Since 2012, Danish DROBE has been the agency helping us with content creation, event production and brand identity.

They have been a huge part of the brand success with GSA, and they are operating globally.